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Prysmian warns of the risks of using low-quality THHN/THWN-2 cables: a danger to electrical safety

At Prysmian, a global leader in wiring solutions, we have detected the marketing of THHN/THWN-2 copper wires that do not meet the safety standards established by current regulations. In our recent laboratory analysis, these products have been shown to not meet the required insulation resistance levels, indicating poor quality PVC.


What does low insulation resistance mean?
The insulation resistance (IR) test is essential to ensure that cables can operate without risk of electricity leakage. If this requirement is not met, electrical leakages are inevitable, and in the long term, cables can cause short circuits, putting both equipment and people's safety at serious risk.


The dangers of a low quality cable

Opting for substandard cables that do not meet insulation resistance standards exposes users to potentially fatal accidents and costly damage to electrical equipment. These products in circulation represent a direct threat to the physical integrity and safety of the projects where they are installed. This situation is especially worrying during the holiday season, when the electrical energy load increases considerably due to the lighting and decorations of the season. Don't ruin a family reunion date by not having quality cables and avoid putting the safety of your loved ones and the stability of your projects at risk.


Prysmian: guarantee of security and trust

For Prysmian, the safety of our customers and the quality of our products are a priority. We invite the community to inform themselves and avoid being part of the marketing chain or use of non-certified products. Trust Prysmian to ensure high quality and reliable cabling solutions.


Prysmian: safety, trust and quality in each meter of cable.